Shay Rowbottom
CEO at Shay Rowbottom Marketing
“Nic is a genius when it comes to business, scaling, and human psychology! I learn so much just simply being in his presence. He helped me re-work my entire sales funnel, create new messaging around my offer, and increased my sales almost instantly upon hiring him. Definitely worth it, and highly recommend!”
Timothy Dick
Founder/CEO of VOIPO and ProfitLayer.com and three-time Inc 5000 CEO
“Nic is one of the most uniquely skilled and brilliant people I've ever met. He operates with integrity and is an amazing leader that has a unique ability to build strategic relationships. What stands out the most to me about Nic is that while nearly everyone is trying to complicate things and hide behind complex unproven or non-duplicatable strategies, he keeps things simple and uses common sense to hone in on the fastest, most direct path to achieving your goals while trying to strategically avoid friction and stress.In order words, he's a master at multiplication by subtraction.We need more people like Nic in the world.”
Dr. Jeff Spencer
Olympian and Coach to 40+ Gold Medalists
“Every once in a while, someone shows up in my life that I describe to my wife as having a ‘bent frame.’ They’re tweaked. The mental math they use to manifest possibility and solve dilemmas is different. Unorthodox methods and unshakeable certainty about what can be achieved are their trademarks. What they touch turns to gold. Nic Peterson has a ‘bent frame.’ And that makes Bumpers a key read for anyone who wants to make extraordinary their normal. It is an inspiring work that shows people the fundamental actions that can enable their exponential productivity and, better yet, have fun doing it. I "nished Bumpers in one short sitting. I can’t recommend it highly enough.”
Jeff Moore
Founder of Thursday Night Boardroom
“To refer to what Nic does as “content” is a big-time understatement… but if he were to call it what it is to the parould make him sound arrogant and egotistical. Leave that to the people he has served, saved, and guided.
He delivers with such grabbing clarity and actionable simplicity (aka “Nicsplicity”) that I am absolutely certain of what I want, why I want it, how I am going to get there, and what to do every day to close the gap between where I am and where I want to be.
Nic is not a coach, a consultant, or a teacher… he is are a sculptor, carving away at the noise and complexity of what we think we are supposed to do based on all the advice, posts, ads, and offers out there; and finally delivering a beautiful piece of art uniquely carved to reveal our most fulfilled, happy and prosperous life… the best version of our individual selves and the role we play in the service of others.”

Shay Rowbottom
CEO at Shay Rowbottom Marketing
"Nic is a genius when it comes to business, scaling, and human psychology! I learn so much just simply being in his presence. He helped me re-work my entire sales funnel, create new messaging around my offer, and increased my sales almost instantly upon hiring him. Definitely worth it, and highly recommend!

Dr. Jeff Spencer
Dr. Jeff Spencer, nine-year Tour de France chiropractor and mindset coach and winner of45 Olympic, world, Tour de France and national champions as well as nine Olympic gold medals
“Every once in a while, someone shows up in my life that I describe to my wife as having a ‘bent frame.’ They’re tweaked. The mental math they use to manifest possibility and solve dilemmas is different. Unorthodox methods and unshakeable certainty about what can be achieved are their trademarks. What they touch turns to gold. Nic Peterson has a ‘bent frame.’ And that makes Bumpers a key read for anyone who wants to make extraordinary their normal. It is an inspiring work that shows people the fundamental actions that can enable their exponential productivity and, better yet, have fun doing it. I finished Bumpers in one short sitting. I can’t recommend it highly enough.”

Timothy Dick
Founder/CEO of VOIPO andPro!tLayer.com and three-time Inc 5000 CEO
“Nic is one of the most uniquely skilled and brilliant people I've ever met. He operates with integrity and is an amazing leader that has a unique ability to build strategic relationships. What stands out the most to me about Nic is that while nearly everyone is trying to complicate things and hide behind complex unproven or non-duplicatable strategies, he keeps things simple and uses common sense to hone in on the fastest, most direct path to achieving your goals while trying to strategically avoid friction and stress.In order words, he's a master at multiplication by subtraction.We need more people like Nic in the world.”

Jeff Moore
Founder of Thursday Night Boardroom
To refer to what Nic does as “content” is a big-time understatement… but if he were to call it what it is to the participants, his description would make him sound arrogant and egotistical.Leave that to the people he has served, saved, and guided.
He delivers with such grabbing clarity and actionable simplicity (aka“Nicsplicity”) that I am absolutely certain of what I want, why I want it, howI am going to get there, and what to do every day to close the gap between where I am and where I want to be.
Nic is not a coach, a consultant, or a teacher… he is are a sculptor, carving away at the noise and complexity of what we think we are supposed to do based on all the advice, posts, ads, and offers out there; and finally delivering a beautiful piece of art uniquely carved to reveal our most fulfilled, happy and prosperous life… the best version of our individual selves and the role we play in the service of others.”

Hi, I'm Nic
Founder, managing partner, hopelessly curious and dad to two adorable wolves. I will likely never respond to your email, don’t take it personal, it’s because I never check it.

Brevity is the soul of wit.
Absurdity is the soul of life.
Expect an abundance of both.
Even my book is absurdly brief.
Meet Nic Peterson
Let’s be honest, these pages are weird.
We all know they are written in third person by the person they are talking about. Instead of convincing you how awesome I am, I am going to write this as if we are getting to know each other.
Because that’s what this should be.
At the time if writing this I am a few years into my third decade which means, depending on where you sit, I’m either too young to have an opinion or far too old to have one. I split my time between Seattle, Washington and Phoenix Arizona. I have two full grown wolves. They are cute AF. Home is where the wolves are. Right now they are in Seattle.
You may be asking:
“why am I here?”
“am I in the right place?”.
Great question. My official answer is...

It Depends
I don’t know anything about you. If you came from the world wide web looking for mindless entertainment, get rich quick tactics or a map to “easy street’ then you are definitely not in the right place. Don’t worry…
It’s not you, it’s me.
And if you’re not clear on what matters to you or what you’re trying to accomplish I’m not going to be able to help you. Helping you means being engaged, being engaged means being interested and I’m not overly-interested in people chasing “more”, bigger or shinier. There aren’t many things more common than someone thinking “more” is the answer.
What is interesting, however, are the extraordinary people that can override the human desire for “more” and get clear on what really matter to them. If that’s you, I hope we meet someday.
What else might be useful to know?
- I don’t read email. I spend my time helping people do things that make them happy. Email does not make me happy. So I don’t do it.
- All of my companies are interconnected and play a different role in the same game: be useful in the world.
- The underpinning of everything I do is shared in my book, so maybe start there.

Here’s what you can do next.
Choose your own adventure.
This is a directory to all of my stuff.
If you do want to chat, you’ll be able to figure it out from there. It’s not a greased slide with a no brainer offer because when you have a greased slide with no brainer offers you end up with greasy client with no brains.
Most of the stuff there is free.
They say “people that don’t pay don’t pay attention”. In my experience, people that care pay attention. If you don’t care about the outcome or the life you end up living enough to pay attention, I don’t want your money.